GE English (A2): Standardized Tests

You selected  NO in the prior set of options. You will continue your GE English (A2) placement evaluation based on your standardized test scores and/or high school coursework.

Have you completed at least ONE of the following?

  1. I received a CAASPP/EAP English test score of:
    1. Standard Exceeded (Level 4)
    2. Standard Met (Level 3) AND completed/plan to complete a 12th grade-approved yearlong English course with a C- or better
      (Approved courses: CSU Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC), Advanced Placement (AP), or weighted honors English)

Optional Assessment Scores If Available:

Note: ACT and SAT scores are not required but will be considered for English placement if the student submits test scores.

  1. I received a SAT English test score of:
    1. 550 or above
    2. 510-540 AND completed/plan to complete a 12th grade-approved yearlong English course with a C- or better
      (Approved courses: CSU ERWC, AP, or weighted honors English)
  2. I received an ACT English test score of:
    1. 22 or above
    2. 19-21 AND completed/plan to complete a 12th grade-approved yearlong English course with C- or better
      (Approved courses: CSU ERWC, AP, or weighted honors English)

If you select NO your GE English (A2) placement evaluation will continue based on high school coursework.